Tyra Rachel Torp-Bangsund | Agðir
Home News Agðir releases EP: ‘Fyrsta’

Agðir releases EP: ‘Fyrsta’

by Thiago Marques
Published: Updated: 0 comments 1 minutes read

The Norwegian duo Agðir released its first EP, aptly named Fyrsta, featuring five tracks of Nordic Folk music.

Fyrsta was recorded with instruments crafted mostly by singer and multi-instrumentalist Ruben Gentékos. The EP was mixed and mastered by Norwegian musician Kjell Braaten, who also contributed with the throat singing on the song Fordums Veg.

The vocals of the last track of the EP, Fylgjeferd, were recorded just a few weeks before Tyra Rachel Torp-Bangsund had a risky throat surgery in order to treat an enlarged thyriod gland that was extensively blocking her airways. Luckily, it went well and no vocal cords were damaged.


See also: Agðir reveals new video: ‘Fordums Veg’


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