Will Hunter | Vévaki
Home News Vévaki releases debut album: ‘Edda’

Vévaki releases debut album: ‘Edda’

by Thiago Marques
Published: Updated: 0 comments 1 minutes read

Vévaki (Nordic Folk – United Kingdom) released its first album, Edda, featuring a collection of poems and stories from the Poetic Edda put to music.

A compilation of anonymous Old Norse poetry, the Poetic (or Elder) Edda is an endless source of inspiration for Nordic folk musicians. It allowed Will Hunter to pay his own tribute to the culture, history and myths of Northern Europe, gifting the listeners with his very particular touch to the ever-growing music subgenre.

The album features some contributions by Sigurboði Grétarsson and Florian Baudrain (Les Compagnons du Gras Jambon).

Edda is available on all major digital platforms.


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Originally named Vili, the one-man project was renamed to Vévaki, which means “a sacred dance or one who watches over a sacred place”.


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