Julie Fowlis & Einar Selvik | Photo: Rob McDougall (Julie Fowlis)
Home News Einar Selvik & Julie Fowlis reveal soundtrack for ‘Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’ 1st expansion ‘Wrath of the Druids’

Einar Selvik & Julie Fowlis reveal soundtrack for ‘Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’ 1st expansion ‘Wrath of the Druids’

by Thiago Marques
Published: Updated: 0 comments 2 minutes read

Einar Selvik (Wardruna) partnered with renowned Scottish singer and multi-instrumentalist Julie Fowlis to record the soundtrack for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla expansion, Wrath of the Druids.

After taking part in the original soundtrack for the base game, Einar comes back with new songs for the “Celts meet Vikings”-themed expansion of the newest installment in the Assassin’s Creed game franchise. Ubisoft invited none other than Julie Fowlis (Brave), to share her beautiful Gaelic singing and skills with the tin whistle.

Apart from the two talented musicians’ songs, the soundtrack also features epic and ambient tracks by American film score composer Max Aruj.

The soundtrack was released via Lakeshore Records and features 18 tracks and 50 minutes of music.


See also:


  1. Julie Fowlis & Einar Selvik – Canaid Lia Fáil (Acoustic Version)
  2. Max Aruj – Shores of Inis Fáil
  3. Max Aruj – The Words of a Friend
  4. Max Aruj – Bounteous Fields
  5. Einar Selvik – The Song of Lia Fáil, Sung at Sea
  6. Max Aruj – The Land Changes Beneath You
  7. Julie Fowlis & Einar Selvik – Flann for Éirinn, The Coronation
  8. Max Aruj – A Wild Place
  9. Max Aruj – Cunning Over Courage
  10. Einar Selvik – The Children of Danu
  11. Max Aruj – Whispers of Dark Spirits
  12. Julie Fowlis & Einar Selvik – Canaid Lia Fáil (Instrumental Version)
  13. Max Aruj – Valhalla Need not be a Place
  14. Max Aruj – Dread Depths
  15. Julie Fowlis & Einar Selvik – Flann for Éirinn
  16. Max Aruj – Stone Heart of Inis Fáil
  17. Max Aruj – Bury the Past, Build the Future
  18. Julie Fowlis & Einar Selvik – Canaid Lia Fáil

Wrath of the Druids

“Journey to 9th century Ireland and face a force greater than kingdoms as a grim tide begin to stir. Wrath of the Druids, the first Assassin’s Creed Valhalla expansion, is available with the the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Season Pass on May 13.”

The base game was released on November 10, 2020 for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Google Stadia.

Einar Selvik – Links

Website | Facebook | Twitter
Instagram | YouTube | Vimeo
VK | Soundcloud | Spotify

Julie Fowlis – Links

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
YouTube | Soundcloud | Spotify

Max Aruj – Links

Website | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube


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