Rúnahild | Photo: Gustav Holberg
Home News Rúnahild unveils new EP: ‘Sacred Feminine’

Rúnahild unveils new EP: ‘Sacred Feminine’

by Thiago Marques
Published: Updated: 0 comments 1 minutes read

Rúnahild released Sacred Feminine, a new 3-track Nordic and electronic folk EP.

Her new work brings the usual combination of powerful vocals with traditional and natural instruments, but with the addition of electronic elements.

The musician shared some words about the release:

Sacred Feminine is about nurturing and holding space for what once has been wounded and, by doing so, starting a process of transformation and regeneration to re-ignite a life-force from within.”


See also: Rúnahild reveals new single: ‘Astralseid’

Rúnahild’s growing taste for electronic music could already be witnessed through the project she started with Gustav Holberg, called Astralseid, in which the modern elements are even more prominent.

Gustav helped recording the EP, while Kjell Braaten was responsible for the mastering process.


  • Rúnahild (music composition, lyrics, vocals, keyboard, drums, kokle, deer antlers, bullroarer, owl flute)
  • Gustav Holberg (drum programming)
  • Recorded by Gustav Holberg and Rúnahild in Seidsang Studio
  • Mixed by Rúnahild with some help and advices from Gustav Holberg and Kjell Braaten
  • Mastered by Kjell Braaten
  • Nature photography and artwork by Rúnahild


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