German veteran Medieval Metal band Saltatio Mortis invites Pagan Folk masters of Faun to celebrate 20 years of friendship between both bands with Schwarzer Strand, a single from Saltatio Mortis’s upcoming album, Finsterwacht.
The encounter between these two heavyweights of German folk and metal music holds a very special significance for both bands after having playing several times together in Europe, as we can gather from the members of Faun, who were very pleased to finally record with their longtime friends.
“After we have already played countless festivals and medieval markets together, we are delighted to have finally managed to participate as guests in a song by our dear colleagues from Saltatio Mortis.”

Saltatio Mortis & Faun – Schwarzer Strand
Sag mir wie es ist
wenn man seine Augen schließt
Und man für die Ewigkeit
Mit den Wellen fließt
Wartend stehe ich am Hafen
Aus der Ferne kommt ein Schiff
Halt ein Bündel in meiner Hand
Mit allem, was mir wichtig ist
Sag mir wie es ist
wenn man seine Augen schließt
Und man für die Ewigkeit
Mit den Wellen fließt
Ich wollte dich nicht kennen
Wollt nicht wissen wer du bist
Hab gehofft du lässt mich gehen
Doch da war es längst zu spät
Sag mir wie es ist
Von hier fort zu gehen
Und als eine Handvoll Asche
Mit dem Wind zu wehen
Ich dreh mich nochmal um
Hinter mir verbranntes Land
Steige langsam in das Meer
verlasse still den schwarzen Strand
Saltatio Mortis & Faun – Black Beach
Tell me how it is
when one closes their eyes
And flows with the waves
For eternity
I stand waiting at the harbor
A ship approaches from afar
Holding a bundle in my hand
With everything that’s important to me
Tell me how it is
when one closes their eyes
And flows with the waves
For eternity
I didn’t want to know you
Didn’t want to know who you are
Hoped you’d let me go
But it was already too late
Tell me how it is
To leave from here
And to be blown as a handful of ash
With the wind
I turn around one last time
Behind me, burnt land
Slowly stepping into the sea
Silently leaving the black beach
New album’s details
Finsterwacht will be released on May 31, bringing 11 new songs with medieval and fantasy influences, appealing to both metal and folk fans. Besides Faun, the album will feature legendary Power Metal band Blind Guardian, as well as the Prague Symphony Orchestra.
A conceptual album, Finsterwacht will be based around the tabletop RPG Das Schwarze Auge, reflecting the band members’ love for fantasy and role-playing games.
You can watch their collaboration with Blind Guardian below.