Spyros Giasafakis at the Necromanteion of Acheron.
Home News Daemonia Nymphe’s Spyros Giasafakis unveils new single: ‘The Nekyomanteion of Acheron’

Daemonia Nymphe’s Spyros Giasafakis unveils new single: ‘The Nekyomanteion of Acheron’

The master of Greek Folk music partially recorded the new single at the Necromanteion of Acheron

by Thiago Marques
Published: Updated: 0 comment 4 minutes read

Greek Folk musician Spyros Giasafakis revealed an ethereal new piece titled The Nekyomanteion of Acheron (Oracle of the Dead). The artist also shared some news about Daemonia Nymphe‘s upcoming album.

Spyros Giasafakis is most known for being the mastermind behind Greek Folk legendary band Daemonia Nymphe. However, he also produces some experimental works with the Greek lyra, as well as other Ancient Greek instruments. Now, he’s back with a new track partially recorded at the Necromanteion of Acheron, not far from the ancient city of Ephyra.

The Nekyomanteion of Acheron

The song was recorded at the Nekyomanteion (or Necromanteion of Acherus), which stood as an ancient Greek temple dedicated to the realm of necromancy, honoring Hades and Persephone. Tradition holds that it occupied the banks of the Acheron River in Epirus, near the ancient city of Ephyra. Devotees regarded this site as the threshold to Hades, the domain of the departed.

Positioned at the confluence of the Acheron, Pyriphlegethon, and Cocytus rivers, it was believed that these rivers traversed and irrigated the underworld. The names of the rivers have been construed to signify “joyless,” “burning coals,” and “lament,” respectively.

Daemonia Nymphe's Spyros Giasafakis unveils new single: 'The Nekyomanteion of Acheron'
The Necromanteion of Acherus. Photo: Mythical Routes

What’s next for Daemonia Nymphe?

The band is currently working in studios in the cities of Thessaloniki, Athens, and London for their upcoming album, ten years after the release of their latest full-length, Psychostasia. The album, still untitled, will feature various guest appearances and will include some old and previously unreleased tracks.

“We have been working for quite some time now composing, recording and mixing new material. We are documenting the process and will post some photos and videos of the development of the work. We still have a long way to go, so we cannot announce the title of the album or the release date yet, but we will do our best to keep you updated, so please stay tuned.”

Daemonia Nymphe is also contributing with some of their music to Aristophanes’ play Nefeles, produced by the Aegean Exodus’ Company. The spectacle is currently taking place across Greece.

Daemonia Nymphe's Spyros Giasafakis unveils new single: 'The Nekyomanteion of Acheron'
Giasafakis and Evi Stergiou. | Daemonia Nymphe

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