Home News Rúnahild releases new album: ‘Wounded Healer’

Rúnahild releases new album: ‘Wounded Healer’

The Nordic folk artist reveals the result of a personal journey turned into entrancing songs

by Thiago Marques
Published: Updated: 0 comments 4 minutes read

The title of Rúnahild‘s latest album, Wounded Healer, describes precisely the process in which the musician herself has been involved during its creation and for most of her life.

“On this journey I have understood that my own painful experiences have been tainted by the unresolved traumas within my family, that reflected upon me. Whether passed down through genetics or through how their presence, actions and energies have affected my life, I became aware of the ancestral patterns that vibrate in disharmony within me, which needs to be transformed.”


By connecting to her ancestors through a shamanic drum journey, she could find answers and forgotten memories in order to heal and find clarity.

“My shadows and my light makes me whole on this ever-going process of transformation, acknowledging both the wounded and the healer within.”

The artist was joined by her partner from Astralseid, Gustav Holberg, who not only mastered the album, but helped with mixing and also did the drum programming on Draum and synthesizer programming on Stilla.

Wound Healer was released via Grimfrost Records, featuring 8 tracks, including two from her previous EP (Sacred Feminine): Draum and Sacral Energy. The album is available on the label’s web store on CD and comes with a thick booklet featuring nature photographies and lyrics (with English translation). You can also stream it from several platforms.

Rúnahild releases new album: 'Wounded Healer'


See also:

Rúnahild has also recently released a music video for Draum, a song about the lessons given to us by our subconscious in order to get back to life after a traumatic experience.

Lyrics – Draum

Eg følgjer min indre song
Den lokkar meg innerst inne
Eg kjenner en djupt sorg
Eg lyttar i mørket
Skuggane kviskrar
Eg kjem i hug

Eg synger liv
Eg synger lys
Eg seider meg hel
Eg seider meg fri
Eg seider meg i min Kraft

Translation – Dream

I follow my inner song
It lures me within
I feel a deep sorrow
I listen in the darkness
The shadows are whispering…
I remember

I sing life
I sing light
I seid myself whole
I seid myself free
I seid myself in my energy


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