The Hungarian Folktronica duo Itinera released a music video for Csillag Fénye, Holdnak Fénye (Starlight, Moonlight), a song from their upcoming debut album. The band formed by Annet Horváth and Ádám Nagy has being gaining momentum quite fast, getting ready to play across different countries in Europe.
Cisllag Fénye, Holdnak Fénye was recorded by Gábor Vári of Miracle Sound Studios, while the music video production was overseen by No Total Films. Together, they helped create a proper ambience for such a mystical musical experience that will sure appeal to fans of Heilung, Wardruna and Rúnahild.
According to Annet Horváth, the lyrics of the song were written based on an original text, in which a Kumandi shaman calls his helping spirits and asks for the help of his shaman’s drum to accompany him on the journey.
Itinera – Csillag Fénye, Holdnak Fénye
Stellae, stellae lux
Ébredj, ébredj, hangomtól megremeg az erdő
Ébredj, hívlak Holdfénnyel, a hangom messze zengő
Csillagfénnyel hívlak, lelkem tűzszínűre fessed
Hívlak tűzzel, a parazsa etesse a tested
Stellae, stellae lux
Szakadék szélen lábad meg se rettenjen
Fagyon és jégen tested meg se billenjen
Tó vize fekete, le ne vigyen a karja
Kő hasa éles, ne botolj rajta
Szólj nekem igazat, a csukott szemet nyisd ki
Áldozat itala, a poharadat idd ki
Nyavalyánk vidd el, a baj vele szálljon
Szívünkben a kétely fénnyé váljon
Csillag fénye, Holdnak fénye
Itinera – Starlight, Moonlight
Stars, the light of stars
Awaken, awaken, the forest trembles at my voice
Awaken, I call you with Moonlight, my voice echoing far
I call you with starlight, paint my soul fiery
I call you with fire, let its embers feed your body
Stars, the light of stars
Let the edge of the abyss not frighten your step
Let your body not falter on ice and frost
The water of the lake is black, let not its arm drag you down
The belly of the stone is sharp, do not stumble upon it
Speak the truth to me, open the closed eyes
Drink the libation, empty your cup
Take away our affliction, let the trouble depart with it
Let the doubt in our hearts turn into light
Starlight, Moonlight
Itinera’s biography
The band was founded in 2022 by Anett Horváth and Ádám Nagy. Drawing inspiration from Hungarian Folk, World Music, Electronica, and Pagan Dark Folk, Itinera performs music characterized by layered mantras and loops, inducing ritualistic trance-like states, inviting both band and audience to embark on a journey into another realm.
Following a decade of previous musical collaboration between both artists, Itinera made their live debut in 2023 and unveiled their inaugural EP, Aurora, in September of the same year. The first compositions were lighter in tone, giving room to a darker, more mystical and tribal direction in their latest works.

Their enchanting melodies have transcended borders, captivating audiences in Czechia and France.
The duo’s talent has garnered recognition, earning them an invitation to the prestigious Tallinn Music Week showcase festival in April 2024. Furthermore, as winners of the Petőfi Nagylemez Program competition, they have secured grants to embark on the creation of their first full-length album.